Fitness Advocate and Fitness Advice
1. Body Type
2. Muscle or Fat
3. Breathing Exercises
4. Exercise Your Feet
5. Walk for Heart Fitness
6. Skip Rather than Jog
7. Exercises for Jowels and Saggy Chins
8. Warm Up with a Good Stretch
9. Morning Exercise in Bed
10. Exercise Raking Leaves
11. Choose Your Exercise Program
12. Shopping and Your Back
13. Dancing!
14. Shovelling Snow
15. Heat and Hot Showers
16. Isometrics
17. The Midsection
18. Type A or Type B
19. Get Ready for Ski Season
20. Downhill Skiing
21. Skating
22. Exercise on the Plane
23. Good Posture on the Beach
24. Strengthen Your Heart
25. Be Ready for Baseball
26. Be Ready for Soccer
27. Prenatal Exercises
28. Seniors Need to Exercise Too
29. Jog Indoors
30. The Rebounder
31. What to Wear!?
32. Wear the Right Shoes
33. Asthma and Exercise
34. Bicycles
35. Jogging
36. Self Assessment Test